Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joints at home

arthritic hip pain

Hip arthrosis is a progressive dystrophic-degenerative disease. It most often develops in old age, when provoking factors appear - infectious, non-inflammatory joint diseases, injuries, genetic predisposition, curvature of the spine.

Coxarthrosis is another name for arthrosis of the hip joint, the treatment of which is very complex and long-term. The main symptom of the disease is pain, limitation of movement, in the later stages there is shortening of the affected limb, atrophy of the femoral muscles.

The disease begins with the fact that the joint fluid in the joint changes its properties, becoming thick and viscous. It does not lubricate the cartilage enough, it does not receive the normal amount of fluid and it becomes dry. Over time, it becomes thinner, collapses, because without lubrication it cannot withstand increased friction during movement. Bones are left without the protection of cartilage, they are exposed, the load increases and their deformation occurs. For this reason, arthrosis of the hip joint is called deforming. In addition to these changes, blood circulation is disturbed, the muscles around the joint receive less blood, their metabolism is disrupted and atrophy occurs.

Degree of damage and symptoms

Experts distinguish between three types of lesions in arthrosis of the hip joint. All of them differ in the presence of the level of pain, muscle atrophy, degree of cartilage destruction. The first two degrees are subject to medication and complex therapy, and the third is subject to surgical treatment.

Arthrosis cannot be completely cured, but by applying certain measures, it can be stopped and significantly slow down its development.

These are very useful home remedies, highly recommended by doctors themselves. It is a fact that non-steroidal drugs are used to relieve pain and inflammation in arthrosis of the hip joint. With long-term treatment, they are quite harmful to the body, they can have a negative effect. Therefore, it is desirable to alternate them with the methods of traditional medicine.

One of the signs of arthrosis of the hip joint is pain. In the initial phase, it is slightly expressed. It occurs with heavy loads, heavy lifting, long walking or sitting. Sometimes it can feel like a change in weather. In the later stages of development, it manifests itself after exertion and at rest, disrupts sleep, relaxes and creates constant discomfort.

Home remedies

With arthrosis of the hip joint, it is desirable to combine all methods of home treatment and folk remedies with drug therapy. As a rule, in combination with it, special gymnastics is prescribed, which cannot be canceled in any way. The treatment is aimed at restoring the quality of joint fluid and cartilage, joint mobility.

Wishes made of beef hooves

Changes in intra-articular fluid are associated with improper collagen production. In case of arthrosis, collagen supplements can be added to the diet. Folk remedies offer beef cartilage jelly, which is rich in collagen. To do this, take 500-700 grams of joints of front hooves, soak them well and cook for at least 3-5 hours on low heat. During this time, the bones will boil well, they must be removed, and the broth should be left to harden. Such aspic should be used twice a week and during a longer period of treatment, at least 1 year.

Jelly in various forms

Gelatin is a product obtained from animal cartilage and bones, so it can also be an excellent source of collagen. It is necessary to use edible gelatin without colors, add milk or fresh juices to it. It is also recommended that you take it regularly.


  • Folk remedies recommend relieving aches and pains in the joints by applying fresh cabbage leaves with honey. Spread honey on the area of the affected joint and apply a fresh liter of cabbage. Put gauze on top and wrap with something warm, leave overnight.
  • For treatment, you can prepare a composition that is rubbed in at night. Mix 100 grams of powdered mustard with 200 grams of sea salt and pour over 30 grams of purified kerosene. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Mix honey and grated radish evenly, add fortified red wine and salt in a ratio of 1: 1: 0, 5: 0, 25. Melt the honey in a water bath and add the other ingredients. Cool and use for dressings. The course of treatment is one month.
  • To quickly relieve pain, you can use a simple ointment: mix equally crushed horseradish root with petroleum jelly, rub into painful places. It's easy enough to cook at home, so you can cook fresh every time.

herbal medicine

herbs for hip arthritis
  1. Burdock root helps very well with arthrosis of the hip joint. Dry powder mixed equally with honey and taken several times a day. You can make an alcohol-based tincture for rubbing.
  2. Take 0. 5 teaspoons of willow or aspen bark powder several times a day.
  3. Among home remedies, string is an excellent tool for normalizing metabolism. Pour two tablespoons with a glass of boiling water and strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day for a month. l. You can enhance the effect of the bath by adding a decoction of string. Due to the presence of tannin and manganese, it will improve blood circulation in the joint.
  4. For arthrosis, oregano, rose hip, cranberry, and thyme teas are useful.
  5. Folk remedies for oral administration recommend the preparation of an effective composition. Take three lemons, 250 grams of celery root and 120 grams of garlic. Grind and pour boiling water into a three-liter jar, insist overnight. Take on an empty stomach in the morning and before meals for 30 minutes, approximately 70 gr. The course of treatment is three months. One 3 liter jar is enough for a month.